Welcome to SOL-FULL Massage and thank you for visiting my site!
It is my core belief that we are here to serve each other.
I live my life with this intention and consider myself to be a nurturing spirit that truly delights in helping others to improve their overall wellness.
My mission is to be fully aware of my client's needs by offering open communication and the guidance of intuitive abilities that assist me to perform quality bodywork/massage.
I offer a variety of modalities and specialize in deeper body work to help release and reduce hypertension/muscular knots.
Aromatherapy enhancements are also offered at no additional charge for clients who may request deeper relaxation with the use of lavender or seek a more energetic vibe with citrus scents.
It is my absolute pleasure to help others feel their best by providing therapeutic bodywork/massage.
I strive to provide exceptional customer service and meet my clients needs in every way possible.
My new client base will be through referral only, therefore if I must have a reference from one of my personal, existing clients in order to provide service.
I will be wearing the mask 100 % of the time and you may remover your face mask when you are face down on the table. I am also fully vaccinated and have received the booster.
As of March 2022 I have transferred my License to AZ (MT-28391). At this time I will be offering mobile massage at your home or place of business.